I came back to painting in about 2000 when I was looking for something to take me through retirement. Prior to that my last painting was done in grammar school. Deciding I needed some form of tuition I researched the market and decided the two artists I would really like to emulate were the two Davids; David Bellamy and David Curtis. I devoured all their books and videos and tried to follow their styles by following all their tutorials and recreating some of their works adding my own buildings or changing the seasons. This obviously led me down the path of watercolour which I continue today although lockdown has taken me to pen and wash and pen only which I thoroughly enjoy as it allows me to indulge my passion for detail. The current “passion” for looseness in painting has me interested and I love it when done well by people like Alvaro Castagnet and Joseph Zbukvic who are masters of creating detail from apparent chaos. More skills to learn here! I joined the HAS in 2002 when I decided I needed to expand my knowledge and skills plus mixing with like minded people. I have never regretted it and would encourage anyone thinking of taking up or wanting to improve their art, to join.