I took up art 2017/18 through attending a varied selection of classes at S2R in Huddersfield, and I’m still dabbling with a variety of styles and mediums, including digital. I enjoy portraits and would like to gain confidence with landscapes as I love all things eco/nature, particularly trees and the sea and the balance and relationship we have with all life on our planet. I thought 'proper' artists have a style and a preferred medium so I joined the society in 2019 and took a college course 2019/20. This gave me a chance to play and experiment with a wide range of media, but unfortunately it got cut short by lockdown - I found it difficult to get back in to art for awhile. I started at the University of Huddersfield September 2021, (Contemporary Art and Illustration), after deferring a year, so we shall see what this new adventure brings - I may find my groove, I may end up more confused than ever lol! I am on instagram but need to make an effort to keep it up to date! I also run our Etsy shops part-time and enjoy working with community groups, currently planning a recreation ground makeover and planting an orchard :) I'm married to the lovely and talented Gareth Clegg (author/editor) and have 2 children, 2 stepchildren, 3 grandchildren and as of August 2021, 2 kittens! www.instagram.com/jayne_clegg_art/www.etsy.com/uk/shop/EcoTeeCowww.etsy.com/shop/BlackSailsUK